Friday, August 21, 2015

Submit Animated Series Ideas To Agents

Animated television series are quite popular and not only for kids nowadays. There are numerous animated shows created specifically for adults. Have the next great idea for a show you're sure will be a hit? You need to get it in front of an agent so they can sell it for you. To get an agent to love your idea, you'll need to develop a pitch and contact agents about it. Then it's a matter of crossing your fingers and hoping Hollywood thinks it's as special as you do.


1. Develop your idea into a complete concept. Write out a full show bible which includes a synopsis, character background pages, future episode guide and sample pages.

2. Hire an artist to sketch the characters or create a short animated sample which showcases the main characters.

3. Acquire a copy of an agent list such as Fade In Magazine's Agency Guide. Send query letters to all agents whose requirements meet those of your television show. Wait for calls from those who are interested to arrange in person meetings.

4. Pitch your idea to each agent you take a meeting with. Fill your speech with personal excitement and a true belief in the project itself. The more excited you are and the more you put into the work, the more others will feel the same about the project and want to take it on.

5. Sign with an agent once you find one you feel comfortable with and who wants to sign you as a client. If an agent loves your idea he'll most likely let you know right away. After this point it's a matter of the agent marketing your current work and trying to sell it or get you hired as a television writer.