Friday, August 14, 2015

Sign Autographs

An autograph displays personal style.

An autograph is a stylized signature attesting to personal contact with a celebrity or notable person. People often frame and display autographs to commemorate the encounter, and collectors buy and sell the signatures of particularly famous people for great sums of money. When signing an autograph, remember -- a large number of people may view your signature, and it may change hands a number of times. Mind your penmanship.


1. Choose a writing device appropriate to the surface you are signing. A sharp-tipped permanent marker works best for album covers, musical instruments, glossy photos, articles of clothing, human flesh and other irregular objects. Use a felt-tipped or fountain pen to sign books, postcards and other paper surfaces. Avoid using ball point pens; they produce a muddled and inconsistent line.

2. Converse with your fan(s). An autograph has greater sentimental value when it is personalized. Discover something about the person and include it in a note with your signature. This shows that, in spite of your celebrity status, you are an individual who takes a personal interest in the lives of those around you. A phrase like "To my favorite bartender..." or "Good luck in school..." can mean a lot to a fan.

3. Practice and perfect your signature at home before signing an autograph. Your signature says a lot about your personality. Tall letters made with sharp, straight pen strokes suggest a serious and dignified mind, while broad loops or zigzags can show humor and creativity. Feel free to add flourishes like underlines, hearts, stars and smiley faces. If you wear lipstick and are known for sex appeal, kissing the autographed surface is a classic move.