Friday, September 11, 2015

Write In Bubble Letters

Bubble letters are a fun and funky way to write, and they're easy to do. Follow these directions and you'll be writing bubble text like a pro in no time!


1. Start writing bubble letters by practicing one letter at a time.

If you try and do a whole sentence or letter in bubble letters it's likely that you wont have enough room or patience, so start by choosing and practicing one letter at a time.

2. Write the letters A-Z spaciously on a large piece of paper.

This way you get to practice writing in bubble letters for each and every letter of the alphabet.

3. Trace the outside of each letter with a rounded shadow of itself.

Being careful to leave all edges off of the letter that you are turning into bubble text, trace a shadow of the shape of the entire circumference of the letter.

4. Stop tracing and start doing freestyle bubble letters.

Once you have the feel for write a bubble text, you wont need to write the letter normally and then draw the bubble; just write the bubble letter text the first time, once you feel you've gotten the hang of it.