Thursday, March 19, 2015

Find A Literary Agent In Los Angeles

A good agent stands behind you and markets your work.

Every year, thousands of aspiring screenwriters pack up their belongings and move to Los Angeles to fulfill their dreams of becoming working writers. Becoming a successful screenwriter takes more than talent. To succeed, you need connections and a network of powerful people who believe in your talent and are willing to promote you. Finding an agent is a vital step in the process. A literary agent can get your screenplays into the hands of people who can open doors for your career.


1. Complete a writing sample. Hollywood agents dismiss writers who do not have writing samples. As a screenwriter, you must constantly write screenplays. Your screenplays demonstrates your talent and can get you noticed. Screenplays must be formatted correctly and error-free before you can present them to decision-makers. Have an industry professional, such as a story analyst, read your work and provide feedback.

2. Send query letters. Once you have your polished screenplay, you can begin to reach out to agents. The Writers Guild of America, West provides an online list of agents who accept unsolicited material from new writers without a referral. Once you acquire a list of agents, craft a letter introducing yourself and the project you would like to submit to the agent. Include any interesting details about your writing career and what makes your screenplay unique. Include a compelling log line that sums up your story in one or two sentences. Never send a screenplay without the agent's permission. Instead, include contact information for the agent to contact you.

3. Enter contests and apply for writing fellowships. An agent's business thrives on finding new talent. They look for previous screenwriting competition winners and distinguished writing fellowship recipients to add to their talent rosters. Contests such as the Blue Cat Screenwriting Competition and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Nicholl Screenwriting Fellowship offer prizes and access to literary agents that can jump start your writing career. Additionally, studios like Disney and Warner Brothers offer writing fellowships to new writers.

4. Ask for referrals. Hollywood is all about who you know. Agents are often more willing to read the work of new writers referred to them by someone they trust. Network with other writers who already have agents. Ask them to refer you to their agent. Make friends with agents' assistants and have them read your screenplay. If they like your screenplay, they might pass it on to their boss.

5. If you build it, they will come. Established writers experience rejection on a daily basis. Although agents can reject query letters and submissions, they sometimes search the Internet for fresh, new talent. To counteract rejection, write a short screenplay, cast it with local actors, purchase or rent a video camera and shoot your screenplay. You can upload your short film to the Internet on sites like Youtube and Facebook.