Monday, March 30, 2015

Get A Picture Into A Canvas Painting

Pictures printed from your home computer can be used in mixed media paintings.

Mixed media paintings are a specialty within acrylic painting. To make mixed media art, you attach pictures, paper scraps, ribbons and other items onto your canvas for a three-dimensional feel. These items can be attached with heavy bodied acrylic paint, using gel mediums, or with glue, depending on the weight of the object. Because pictures are fairly lightweight, you can put them into your paintings using only heavy bodied acrylic paint. They can serve as the base of your painting or can be a final addition and serve as a focal point.


1. Paint the background of your painting as usual with acrylic paint, and allow to dry. Complete the painting up to the point where the picture needs to be added.

2. Apply a thin layer of heavy bodied acrylic paint to the canvas with the painting knife. It does not matter what color is used because the picture is going to cover this area. If the background of the picture is light, it is a good idea to use a light color of paint because the paint will sometimes show through.

3. Allow the paint to dry for 2 to 5 minutes. Hold the picture flat and gently lay it onto the paint. Press it into the paint using a clean painting knife, a dry brush or your fingers.

4. Continue painting until the artwork is complete. Allow to dry to the touch before handling. It may take up to 6 hours for the paint under the picture to completely dry.

5. Spray the entire painting with clear coat varnish to seal. Allow to dry for 1 hour and apply two to three additional coats.