Friday, March 27, 2015

Draw A Beagle Puppy

Draw a Beagle Puppy

Animals are fun to draw and a good starting point for artists because they aren't that difficult to do. Beagle puppies are particularly easy for beginning artists to create. Learn draw a beagle puppy that you'll be proud enough of to frame.


1. Start with a light lead rough outline of your beagle. Draw the slight arch top of the head and the general shape of the ears; then sketch in the brow, the eyes and the snout.

2. Draw the nose and shade it in using light back-and-forth side strokes. Don't make it too dark. You just want to fill in the nose area. Erase a small portion at the tip, leaving pencil on the paper slightly lighter than the shading you've done on the nose. This gives the tip of the nose a wet effect.

3. Now define the body of your beagle puppy. Let's have him sitting. Start at the end of one ear and draw the a curved line, stopping where you will add one of this legs. Add the leg to the drawing. Don't be too concerned with detailing the shape of your puppy just yet. Add a little more of the body and the second leg, and once you have the complete outer shape of the beagle, erase sections that need to be refined and brought together.

4. Shade around the end of the snout and under the where the eyes will go. Once you have the eye setting done, draw the eyes and continue shading until you achieve the depth you want. Shade above the eyes to bring out the brow and around the eyes to increase depth. Give him "puppy dog" eyes. He's a beagle puppy and should be cute.

5. Use color pencils (unless you want a black-and-white sketch) to fill in the your beagle's coloring. The colors you'll need are brown and black. Use light, quick strokes to achieve the soft look, blending brown and black into overlapping lines rather than hard lines. This gives your beagle a more natural look. Now touch up your beagle, adding shadows to enhance his shape and erasing tiny portions of his pupils to give them a wet look. Add some downward lead pencil strokes to enhance the overall droopy look some beagles have that make them so adorable. When you're finished, frame your drawing and display it proudly.