Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Sell Photography Prints

A framed photograph

After years of snapping, many photographers build up quite a collection of favorite shots. When friends and family begin commending your good photography, it is hard to decide on the best way to take it to the next level. Selling prints as art can be tricky, but it presents many opportunities to make money out of your most cherished shots.


1. A large professional printer

Create prints from your existing library of images. Choose images or themes that compliment each other both in nature and quality then print your images in the highest quality you can afford. Professional quality mounting and framing can be expensive, but ensures that your photographs will pass an art dealer's close inspection. Outsourcing is usually the best option for those selling prints for the first time, though many photographers invest in the equipment needed to print, mount and frame their own images.

2. A spot light is often used to light photographs on display.

Determine display your art. Factors that will affect presentation include the photograph's frame, the room or arrangement of your stall and lighting within the display area. Try to balance the arrangement of pictures within your advertising space by positioning pieces in a complementary fashion.

3. Price your pictures according to the market you are selling to. Average consumers are unlikely to spend over $50 on a print, whereas art dealers often do not consider the price when purchasing a piece. If you are selling to more up-market consumers at specialist shows, then increase prices to reflect that of the art being sold alongside yours. Beware of appearing too cheap in a professional environment.

4. Cafes often welcome local artists showcasing their art.

Use local spaces to display and sell your work. Open spaces in built up areas and parks often provide a flow of customers and free selling space. Local cafes, corporate offices and small businesses often provide free space in which to sell photographs. Many establishments will ask for a percentage of your sale price when your art is eventually purchased.

5. Attend professional art fairs. If you have never been to an art show before it is worth testing the water first. There are often strict criteria for entries to art fairs, and some only accept work framed and printed by the photographers themselves. Applying to an art show can be a lengthy process and must be done months in advance. Successful applicants will be chosen by a panel of judges and informed of the criteria for displaying their art. It is important to have an attractive display, as selling at art fairs can be difficult due to the large amount of competition within close proximity.