Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Draw A Cartoon Koala Bear

A koala can have a comical appearance.

Draw a cartoon koala to give a smile to a child or adult that favors the cute little marsupial. Koalas resemble a little teddy bear. Play up or exaggerate the rounded features and furry appearance of the animal when drawing it. The koala cartoon character can be drawn in its natural habitat of trees, or in a human's environmental setting. Practice drawing the animal until you determine the look of your own cartoon character. Later you can add clothing and accessories to create a personality for the marsupial.


1. Koalas have a cuddly look that is adaptable for cartoon drawings.

Draw a round circle for the head of the koala with a dull pencil on the drawing paper. The shape should be light as it will be erased later.

2. Sketch a rounded half moon shape on either side of the top of the koala head for the ears.

3. Draw a round shape under the head for the chubby body of the koala. Add a small circle for each of the legs or paws of the small animal.

4. Sketch a light cross shape on the facial area of the round head. The intersection where the horizontal line crosses over the vertical line will be the place where the top of the nose will be. This will be the crossing point.

5. Draw an oval for one eye on the left side of the crossing point. Make a second eye oval on the right side of the crossing point. Sketch a dark round pupil that fills most of the area of each eye.

6. Place the tip of the pencil against the center crossing point and draw downward on the right side and back up on the left side to make an exaggerated oval for the nose. Erase the cross shape with the art eraser. Draw nostrils on the sides of the bottom of the nose. Make an upside down U shape for the mouth and chin area.

7. Make rounded toe indentations on the paws. The koala has five toes on each paw.

8. Draw triangular claws at the end of the toes of the koala.

9. Outline the entire koala with wiggly lines using a sharpened pencil. This will give the animal a furry appearance. Add a small rounded tail at the back of the animal if the area is visible. Erase the circular lines that were used for a guide.