Learning to paint a dragon can be simple with some practice.
Learning to paint can be a challenging endeavor at first, especially if you aim to paint a creature as detailed as the mythical dragon. Using a process of tracing to begin can make the pursuit simpler, and will give you a framework to fill in the dragon with paint. This basic procedure requires only a few basic painting tools and materials, like paper, paint and brush, and will help you feel more confident as you continue your art.
1. Purchase a coloring book that has a page with an image of a dragon that you want to paint.
2. Tear the page out of the coloring book, and lay a blank piece of white paper directly on top of it.
3. Trace the image of the dragon onto the blank paper using a pencil. You should be able to see the lines of the coloring book dragon through the paper.
4. Outline the traced dragon with a thin paintbrush and paint. Let it dry.
5. Paint in the entire dragon with paint colors of your choosing, like purple or green for the body and white for the teeth and eyes. Let it dry.