Friday, June 26, 2015

Paint A Tree Trunk

Drive by any commercial orchard and the chances are you will see the lower two feet of each fruit tree painted white. This is done to prevent the tree trunk from splitting and cracking, helps to deflect light and heat from the tree and serves as a deterrent to tree borer beetles. Nut trees can also benefit from painted trunks in the same way.


1. Mix together 1-gallon white interior latex paint and 4 quarts of water in a large pail or bucket. Stir the mixture with a paint stir stick until the latex paint is thinned out to an even consistency.

2. Paint the lower 24 inches of the tree trunk using the paint mixture and a paintbrush. Choose a warm, breezy day to apply the paint, as this will allow faster drying times.

3. Brush paint into any existing cracks or splits in the truck using the end of the paintbrush, if the first coat of paint did not fill these cracks.

4. Apply a second coat, if needed, to insure that there is a consistent, even coating of paint around the trunk of the tree.