Friday, June 19, 2015

Hire A Freelance Artist

Hire a Freelance Artist

Sometimes a special project requires the specific talent of an artist dedicated to an art such as drawing, painting or illustration. You many not need a full-time employee to fulfill this role--just someone as needed. This is where the role of a freelancer comes in. Freelancers are independent contractors who work with various clients to use their skills.


1. Determine your specific needs for the project or projects you'd like to work with a freelance artist on. The more detailed your needs are, the more specialized you can be on your search for a great artist.

2. Talk with coworkers and colleagues about any experience they've had working with freelance artists. If you're looking for someone local, the contacts you have locally can be great resources. In addition to helping you seek out talent, they may have referrals for individuals they know are great to work with.

3. Contact local art museums, art guilds or community art groups for suggestions as well. If your community hosts an annual art fair, the coordinator of this event may have solid recommendations for you as well.

4. Place an ad in local newspapers or even regional and national art trade journals if you have planning time in advance to search for your artist.

5. Don't overlook talent at local colleges and universities; art students can produce amazing work, and they may be open to working at a very acceptable rate of pay simply to add to their portfolios.

6. Network on both general job hunting sites in addition to art-specific and freelance sites to publicize your interest in finding a freelance artist.

7. Evaluate responses to your search and interview the top candidates.

8. Review portfolios and personalities, and offer the opportunity to the artist you see as the best fit for the work that needs completed.