Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Stepbystep Art Lessons

Impressive works can be done with step-by-step instructions.

Art is a craft that nearly any person can master with adequate training and determination. Step-by-step art lessons are the best choice for an artist that has minimal training on the subject matter being demonstrated, or for an artist that struggles to create an original idea in their mind.

Step-by-step art lessons can be found online, in print and through studio classes. It's important to choose the format that is best for your needs and availability. The advantages of using step-by-step art lessons is that you'll know what materials you'll need and what your finished product should look like.


1. Decide what medium you would like to work with - oil paint, pastels, sketch pencils, or watercolors.

2. Decide what scenery or image you would like to create. Common choices are portraits, landscapes, seascapes and animals.

3. Choose a lesson book that focuses on the medium that you have chosen. You can purchase one from a craft store, craft department in a local department store, online, or a bookstore. You can borrow an art lesson book from your local library. Libraries often have a good variety of art lesson books available, giving you the option to borrow several books at once.