Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Instructions For Painting With Chalkboard Paint

Rustoleum, Krylon and other chalkboard paint manufacturers market it as a specialty product for creating a chalkboard on numerous surfaces. Chalkboard paint is sold in either spray or brush-on form. Apply the paint to create a writable, erasable surface. Common chalkboard paint projects are doors, tables, cabinets, picture frames, flower pots, children's rooms, and pingpong tables. One can of spray paint covers 7 square feet. One quart of brush-on chalkboard paint covers 100 to 125 square feet.

Surface Preparation

Start with a nonporous surface. Work outdoors or in a room with plenty of fresh air. Cover and protect nearby objects from overspray when using spray paint. Avoid spraying in a dusty or windy environment. Remove rust, loose paint and debris from the surface with a wire brush or sandpaper. Lightly sand glossy surfaces to promote adhesion of the paint to the surface. Remove dirt, salt, oil, grease or other contaminants from the surface with soap and water. Rinse the surface, and let it dry completely.

Apply a primer. Use a wood primer for wood and a primer designed for metal for metal surfaces. Paint your choice of wood, metal, glass, terra cotta, paperboard, hardboard, medium density fiberboard, masonite or plaster.

Paint Application

Spray or brush the paint on the surface. Use the type of brush recommended by the chalkboard paint manufacturer, or any clean paint brush if the paint manufacturer does not make a recommendation. Apply one coat. Wait 3 minutes and apply a second coat of paint. Apply a third coat within one hour. Wait 24 hours before applying a third coat if you are not able to apply the third coat within the first hour. Chalkboard paint dries to the touch within the first 20 minutes. Wait one hour before handling the painted object. Sprayed surfaces are completely dry after 24 hours. Brushed-on surfaces are completely dry after 72 hours.

Prepare the surface for use as a chalkboard by rubbing the side of a piece of chalk over the entire surface. Erase the board. The chalkboard is ready for use. Use only calcium carbonate and felt erasers for best results, according to chalkboard paint manufacturer Rustoleum.