Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Mold Ceramic

You can mold ceramic clay into a wide variety of shapes.

You can mold ceramic clay to create sculptures, vases, pots, bowls, cups and many other artistic creations. While it may seem overwhelming to think of making a sculpture or vessel out of ceramic clay, you can start by molding it into a basic form, such as a coiled clay pot. When you mold a coil pot, you can successfully create a vessel that you can glaze and fire just like a professional pot that is thrown on a wheel.


1. Knead a 1-lb. ball of ceramic clay for five minutes. This will remove trapped air bubbles which can cause the clay to explode when it is being fired in a kiln. Separate the clay into two balls, with one ball from 1/3 of the clay, and the other ball 2/3 of the clay.

2. Roll out the smaller ball of clay into a 1/2-inch thick sheet using a rolling pin. Cut a circle out of the sheet using a clay knife. You can make the circle as large or as small as you prefer.

3. Roll the larger ball into a long snake-like coil. You can make the coil as thick or as thin as you prefer. If you roll out a thicker coil, the walls of the molded clay vessel will be stronger, while a thinner coil will produce a thinner-walled vessel.

4. Wind the coil around the flat circle you cut out. As you wind, the wall of the vessel will grow taller. Make the wall of your vessel as high as you like. When you are finished winding, smooth the coil against the flat, circular base, then smooth the wall with your fingers to make the coils unnoticeable. You can also smooth down the inside of the vessel. Allow the molded clay vessel to dry for 48 hours.

5. Paint the dried clay vessel with ceramics glaze. Allow the glaze to dry for 12 hours.

6. Fire the painted clay vessel in a kiln set to high heat for six hours. Allow the vessel to cool completely before displaying it.