Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Draw Fish Pictures

Fish have very basic, easy-to-reproduce shapes.

Unless drawing comes naturally to you -- and for many people it does not -- making the simplest sketch can be intimidating. Luckily, fish have very basic, easy-to-reproduce shapes. And, like many subjects, if you break down fish into their most basic parts and handle each shape one step at a time, drawing fish becomes a relatively easy task.


1. Draw the outline of a football. This shape will be an oval with a point at either end. This is the body of the fish. Although you are not drawing one specific type of fish in this exercise, this rendering will be resemble a bluegill or a salmon in shape.

2. Pick one side of the body to be the face. Draw a circle inside the fish's face, then draw a second circle inside the first circle, and fill it in. This is the eye of the fish. The face of a fish is not really distinguished from the rest of the fish's body, but keep the eye inside the first one-quarter of the fish's body. If you need to, draw a light line separating the front quarter of the fish's body from the rest of the body, then erase it later.

3. Draw a triangle, with two equal sides longer than the base, with the point opposite the base connecting to the other end of the fish. This is the tail fin of the fish.

4. Draw a teardrop on its side in the center of the body of the fish to represent the fish's fin. The pointed end of the teardrop should be closest to the face of the fish.

5. Draw vertically oriented arcs, from the top of the fish to the bottom, with their open ends facing the rear of the fish, to represent scales.