Stick figures
are probably the easiest subject to create, and they are one of the first images children learn to draw. A classic stick person is little more than a head stuck on a stick with legs and arms. Stick figures are often disproportionate and don't resemble human bodies at all, but they are a convenient representation of real people. Stick figures are used in the game "hang man". They may also be used when drawing diagrams quickly to illustrate an idea.
1. Draw a circle one inch in diameter. This is the head.
2. Place your pencil at the bottom of the circle. Draw a vertical line 2 inches long, starting at the point where you placed your pencil. This is the body.
3. Draw a 1 inch line protruding from the vertical line at a 45 degree angle, just above the half way mark on the line you drew in step 2. This is an arm.
4. Draw a second arm on the other side of the first arm, mirroring the angle and length.
5. Draw a 1 inch line at the bottom of the body. This line will form a 145 degree angle with the line of the body. This is a leg. Draw a second leg mirroring the first leg, on the opposite side of the body.