Monday, June 8, 2015

Make An Origami Koala

Making a koala head from origami is a basic paper craft project.

Origami is the art of paper folding. It originated in Japan. People have made almost any shape out of paper using origami methods, from simple to complicated. One of the simple designs is a koala bear head. Making an origami koala bear head uses fundamental folds and is an appropriate paper craft project for beginners and children. Even though real koala bears are gray, you can make the origami koala out of any color of paper you want.


1. Place a square of origami paper flat on the table. If the paper is colored on only one side, place the colored-side down. The side that is toward the table will be the koala's face.

2. Bring two opposite corners of the square together and crease well. This folds the square into a triangle.

3. Turn the model so the folded edge is on top. Fold the top right corner down to meet the bottom corner and crease well. Fold the top left corner down to meet the bottom corner and crease well. Now the model looks like a diamond with a vertical line down the middle where the two folded flaps meet.

4. Fold the right flap up and to the right at about a 60-degree angle to the middle vertical line. Make the crease for this flap start about one quarter of the way from the top of the diamond. The other end of the crease will be about one eighth of the way from the right corner. The point of the flap will stick up above the top right edge of the diamond. This flap will become one of the koala's ears.

5. Repeat Step 4 with the left flap to make a mirror image of the right flap. This will become the koala's other ear.

6. Fold about one third of the pointed tips of both flaps toward you so they are pointing down. This makes the top of the ears blunt.

7. Fold the top point of the diamond down to the point where the two ear flaps meet. This makes the top of the head blunt.

8. Fold the bottom left edge upward beginning at the bottom left corner of the left flap at about a 30-degree angle. Repeat on the bottom right edge to make the bottom edges symmetrical. This forms the koala's chin. The point should be in the middle.

9. Turn the model over and draw eyes and a nose on your koala head. Draw them below the two outermost points on the left and right sides of the face. You can also glue on wiggle eyes if you want to make the eyes more realistic.