Make Stencils
for Painting
Stenciling adds a homey touch to walls, furniture or paper art such as greeting cards. Make and collect a variety of stencils to use for kids' art projects or home decorating. Be creative and don't be afraid to experiment with different designs until you find one you like.
1. Draw a desired pattern or choose a pattern from wallpaper, upholstery fabric or anything else that can be traced.
2. Place a sheet of tracing paper over the pattern. Trace pattern with a soft-tipped pencil. Repeat, if necessary, until you have a master tracing you are happy with.
3. Place another sheet of tracing paper over the master tracing.
4. Begin tracing the pattern, but this time make bridges. Bridges are what hold the stencil together and create the form. For example, if your design includes cherries in a bowl, draw the cherries as individual circles and draw the bowl as a separate shape that does not touch the cherries. Be sure the cherries do not touch each other as well. Keep tracing lines narrow.
5. Go over the tracing lines completed in step 4 with a felt-tipped marker.
6. Create a cutting key by gluing the bridged version of the design to an illustration board or smooth cardboard. Use rubber cement or spray glue that forms a thin coat and does not buckle the paper.
7. Cut a piece of stencil paper or acetate that is about 2 inches larger than the design.
8. Tape the edges of the stencil paper or acetate to the cutting key with masking tape. Be sure paper or acetate is secured over the design.
9. With a craft knife held perpendicular to the cutting key, follow the design and cut the stencil paper or acetate.
10. Begin cutting shapes in the interior of the design and work your way out. Hold the cutting key steady with one hand. Cut using a single stroke per line and apply steady pressure.
11. Remove the masking tape carefully from the stencil and lift the stencil off the cutting key.
12. Store the stencil in a folder for later use.