Thursday, June 11, 2015

Make Your Own Ivory Grips

Create a one-of-a-kind pistol by making homemade ivory pistol grips.

Homemade ivory pistol grips turn a standard pistol into an individualized unique treasure. The process to make the ivory grips involves either sculpting the shape in polymer clay or carving the shape in a large bone. Hand-making the grips allows for customization of the fit to individual hand size. The process is time-consuming and challenging, and requires a great deal of patience. A sense of accomplishment is the reward for taking the time to create homemade ivory pistol grips.


1. Remove the pistol grips from the pistol. Place the grips on a piece of paper. Trace around the outside shape of the grip. Mark the roll pin and screw holes. Cut the shapes from the paper.

2. Place the paper pattern on the surface of the bone. Make two marks 3/8-inch under each side of the paper pattern. Repeat the process on the opposite side of the bone. Remove the paper pattern.

3. Line the edge of the ruler up with a set of two marks. Draw a straight line down the side of the bone. Repeat the process with the remaining three sets of marks.

4. Turn the bone so two sets of lines are on top. Line up the line to the right with the blade on the bandsaw. Look at the bone and make sure the bottom line is also lined up with the blade. Cut through the bone to create a pistol blank. Repeat the process with the remaining lines.

5. Center the paper grip pattern on the surface of the cut grip blanks. Mark the roll pin and screw holes. Line up the drill bit of a drill press with the holes. Slowly drill the required holes through both pistol grip blanks.

6. Knock the roll pin from the pistol grip frame. Place the nail punch on the surface of the roll pin. Gently tap the nail punch to push the roll pin through the handle. Place the roll pin in a safe location. The roll pin is needed to assemble the handle.

7. Lay the two cut pistol grip blanks so the cut edge is on the bottom. Place the cut edge against the pistol frame. Sand the flat edge until it fits snugly against the pistol frame. Repeat the process with the second grip.

8. Clamp the two grips to the pistol frame. Begin shaping the outside edge of the grip using either a flat or round needle file. Draw the file perpendicular to the bone to create the desired outer shape. Be careful not to file the pistol frame. Remove the grips and finish file off the pistol. Place the grip on the frame periodically to make sure the grip does not become too small.

9. Sand the surface of the bone to remove the filing lines. Begin with the 220 wet sandpaper. Sand with the grain of the bone until all filing marks are removed. Repeat the process with the 400 wet sandpaper to polish the grips. Allow the bone to dry for 24 hours.

10. Spray five coats of acrylic spray sealer on the grips surface. Hold the can 12-inches away from the surface and spray a light coat of sealer. Allow the sealer to dry 15 minutes. Repeat the process for a total of five coats. All the grips to dry one hour before assembling.

11. Replace the roll pin in the pistol frame. Gently tap the roll pin with a nail punch and hammer to get it in the right position.

12. Set the newly shaped ivory pistol grips on the frame. Line up the roll pin hole. Secure the grips to the frame with the previously removed screws.