Friday, June 5, 2015

Make Stick Figures On Your Computer

Stick figures are universal and have many uses in illustrative work.

While the stick figure may seem like something you might doodle out of boredom, it actually has many practical uses. In creating signs for airports that could be read by all, AIGA, a professional design company, uses stick figures because the drawings are so universally known. Drawing a stick man on your computer can be done in a variety of ways depending on your needs. Any program designed for creating drawings can be used, but the simplest way is to use a Paint accessory program.


1. Open a program that allows drawing on your computer. There are several programs built into most computers that are designed to make drawings that can be saved or printed.

2. Draw the head of the stick figure with a circle-making tool. The head can be drawn to any size and can be made any color.

3. Draw a vertical line leading from the head downward with a line-making tool. This straight line will serve as the torso of your stick figure.

4. Draw two diagonal lines stemming from the bottom of the torso with a line-making tool. These two lines will serve as the legs to your stick figure. The legs should be symmetrical and of the same length.

5. Draw two diagonal lines stemming from the upper quarter of the torso with a line-making tool. These two lines will serve as the arms to your stick figure. The arms should be symmetrical and of the same length.