Decorative jars filled with a variety of items are a fun way to add charm to a home. Whether it is buttons, spices or cotton balls, keeping small items in jars is innovative decorating at its country best. Add even more charm to your jars by painting seasonal decorations on the jars. Paint flowers for spring and summer and leaves and pumpkins for autumn. Then paint snowmen faces on the jar lids for the winter season. Start simple by making a snowman face on a jar lid.
1. Paint the top of the jar lid white with a flat paintbrush. This will be the face of the snowman. Make sure the edge of the paint is neat and even around the entire edge of the jar lid. Allow the white paint to dry completely before proceeding.
2. Draw two round circles for the coal eyes of the snowman with the pencil. When you are certain you are happy with the placement, use the fine-tipped paintbrush to paint the eyes of the snowman with black paint.
3. Add an outline for the carrot nose with the pencil. Make the nose a long, slender triangle shape with the base of the carrot beginning at the center of the snowman's face and the tip of the carrot ending at a diagonal toward the outer edge of the snowman's face. Use the flat paintbrush to fill in the carrot outline with orange paint when you are satisfied with it. Use the fine-tipped paintbrush to add short, thin black lines at various points along the long edges of the carrot. Make the lines perpendicular with the side edges of the carrot.
4. Draw round circles for the coal pieces that make up the snowman's mouth with the pencil. Make the circles resemble a smile with both edges curving upward. Use the fine-tipped paintbrush to fill in the circles with black paint when you are satisfied with them.
5. Allow all of the paint to dry completely before using the jar lid. Clean the paintbrushes and palette with warm water and dry them completely before putting away.