Thursday, January 29, 2015

Be An Art Model For Life Drawing Classes

To be an art model for life drawing classes takes a lot of self-direction, control and focus. While artists can draw from photographs, skeletal form and memory, drawing the figure from a live model cannot be replaced by these other forms. The proportion and visual experience is unlike any other. The model is the key factor in figure in life drawing.


1. Professionalism is required. You will need to be able to hold a pose, comfortable with people staring at you and willing to pose nude. Models typically are not spoken too, so don’t expect to have a conversation with the artists.

2. Be prepared to undress in a nearby bathroom and then bring a robe and sandals to wear to the room you will be posing in. You will be required to cover up during breaks.

3. You’re ability to stay still in a variety of poses is mandatory. You may be asked to begin with a few quick poses for gesture drawing but then the poses will be longer. If the poses are very long or difficult, you will be given breaks. The instructor will suggest the pose and set up any props.

4. Your body image is not important. All ages and body types are acceptable, with those who are more natural and less model-like being sought.