Thursday, January 22, 2015

Draw A Bedroom

Draw a Bedroom

When a hallway is widened, it becomes a room. The concepts of a room and a hallway are identical and can be very easily drawn when an artist understands the horizon line and vanishing point. The only difficult part is adding the details to the picture. Fortunately, the vanishing point can be used to draw the details just as effectively as the walls and ceiling of the room.


1. Draw a box for the back wall.

2. Draw a rectangle that represents the door.

3. Draw the horizon line.

4. Place the vanishing point somewhere on the horizon.

5. Draw lines that extend from the vanishing point and through the corners of the box. These will represent the corners of the room.

6. Draw lines extending from the vanishing point across the left corner of the room. These lines will become your desk.

7. Draw lines extending from the vanishing point to represent the bed. Start drawing bed posts.

8. Draw vertical lines to represent the bed posts. Decorate the bedposts however you want.

9. Draw more lines to measure out the pillow. Curve out the front of the bed so that the bed doesn't look flat.

10. Use the desk lines to draw a 3D box. Draw vertical lines for the legs. Draw the sides of the desk traveling along the guidelines that extend from the vanishing point. Draw horizontal lines to represent the top and bottom part of the desk. Add details to the desk.

11. Draw new lines extending from the vanishing point to one of the walls. Use these lines for the top and bottom part of the window. Draw vertical lines to represent the sides of the window.

12. Create a new vanishing point for each object on the desk. Draw lines that extend from these vanishing points. Use the lines to determine the size of the objects.

13. Draw each of the objects on the desk using the vanishing points and the guidelines.

14. Erase the guidelines in the picture, as well as any lines that are behind an object.