Thursday, January 29, 2015

Draw A Funky Hanging Fish

We've all seen those crazy hanging fish that make us smile. Funky colors, shapes and features all add interest to the fish. Even if you can't draw a straight line, you can draw a funky hanging fish. It's fun, easy and something the whole family can do.


1. Decide on the basics first when drawing a hanging fish. Decide how big it will be and what shape it will be. Decide what material to use for the hanging fish and where it will hang. Once this is decided, choose your material. You can use almost any material, from heavy-duty poster board to plastic to plywood. How you apply color to the fish will be determined by the material you choose, whether it's permanent markers or paint.

2. Draw the basic shape of the fish on your choice of material. After you are satisfied with the shape of the fish, cut it out of the board. It's easier to visualize what you want to draw when the fish body has been cut out. If you're using plywood, drill a hole where it will hang. Do this before painting the fish so the hole can be incorporated into the fish body.

3. Go crazy with funky ideas for your hanging fish. Decide on what features you'd like to include. You can draw big lips and paint lipstick on the fish, you can draw a hat on the fish, you can draw big teeth on the fish, you can draw small scales, large scales or no scales on your fish. You can use un-fishlike features on your fish, like arms and legs or a pipe. Other un-fishlike features can be adding clothing to the fish, like a tuxedo or tie.

4. Draw the features onto the hanging fish before painting it. Once the features have been drawn, you can add paint in any color you'd like. If you're using more than one color of paint, allow it to dry before adding another color. Hang it up and you'll have your very own funky hanging fish.