Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Make A Mannequin Sketch

A sketch is a quick drawing that captures the essence of a subject without emphasizing accuracy. The complicated part of drawing a sketch of a mannequin is in making the mannequin look like a mannequin and not a person. Success in this task may take a few tries. Remember to emphasize the mechanical, featureless nature of a mannequin, devoid of individuality or spontaneous movement.


1. Draw the line around the head. The head will be rounder on top and more pointed on bottom, similar to an egg in shape.

2. Draw the segment of the body. Although it will be wider than the head, the shape of the body will echo the shape of the head somewhat, because it will be wider on top than on the bottom, but it will still be somewhat rounded.

3. Connect the body to the head by two vertical lines extending from the bottom of either side of the head. This will form the neck.

4. Draw the segments of the upper arms attached to the top of the body at the shoulders. The upper arms will be elongated ovals, slightly longer than the length of one head.

5. Draw the segment of the lower arms attached to the upper arms, and slightly longer than the length of one head.

6. Draw the segments of the upper legs attached to the bottom of the body at the hips. The lower legs will be elongated ovals the length of a head and a half.

7. Draw the segments of the lower legs, attached to the upper legs. This segment will be a head and a half long.

8. Draw a knob at the end of each leg and arm to symbolize the hands and feet.