Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Draw Army Guys

Like drawing any figure, the steps to drawing the men and women that make up our US Army forces are based on basic shapes to form the body. What you need to decide before getting started is if you want your figure posed and what they'll be doing or holding, whether they're tossing a grenade like a grunt or stalking the enemy like a Ranger. This article will cover a basic kneeling soldier using a WWII era flamethrower.


1. Draw a large oval in the center of your paper, then draw a circle slightly above the oval. These shapes signify the torso and the head of the soldier. Add two small lines to either side of the circle that connects the two shapes together (the neck).

2. Draw two elongated ovals (thighs), one going straight down from the torso and the other going out from the left side of the torso. Add two more elongated (and thinner) ovals: one going straight down from the left side thigh and the other going out and away from right thigh. Add in the feet to complete the legs.

3. Create two smaller and thinner ovals over top the torso to make shoulders. One in the top middle of the torso that reaches to about the midway point of the torso. Add the other going away from the bottom of the arm to complete the soldier's arm. Draw another slightly under that oval to show the other arm.

4. Add in the details like the boots, helmet, belt, uniform wrinkles, and of course the flamethrower. Draw a cylinder on the soldier's back and tube leading to the gun. Draw flames shooting from the end of the gun for dramatic effect, then trace your drawing in the ink to create a more 3D look.