1. Bring the steak to room temperature, dab excess moisture off the steak if you've defrosted it. Season with salt and pepper. Adding a marinade may be difficult, as using your oven broiler may create a fire hazard based on the ingredients in the marinade.
2. Move an oven rack six inches below the broiler. Turn the broiler on and place a large, cast iron pan under the broiler. Wait 15 to 20 minutes for the oven and pan to fully heat the oven and pan.
3. Open the oven door and place the steaks on the pan. The pan will be very hot, so use oven mitts if you must touch it. Be cautious when placing the steaks to avoid any fat splatter as the steak hits the pan.
4. Sear the steaks three minutes on each side. Turn the broiler off. Turn the oven on to 500. Cook the steaks one further minute for rare, three minutes for medium rare and five minutes for medium to well done. Turn the steaks halfway through the cooking time for even cooking.